كتاب جذور الفن العراقي

كتاب جذور الفن العراقي


الكاتب : جبرا إبراهيم جبرا

القسم : مسرحيات وفنون

التحميلات : 144

اللغة :

الصفحات : 78

نوع الملف : PDF

التقييمات : (0)

الكاتب : جبرا إبراهيم جبرا
القسم : مسرحيات وفنون
التحميلات : 144
اللغة :
الصفحات : 78
نوع الملف : PDF
التقييمات : (0)
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Art in mesopotamia has always been like it's people, who have been the product of the land and climate, they have never reached decadence and never achieved perfection; for them perfection of craftsmanship has been a limitation on their self expression. their work has been crude but inventive, has had a vigour and boldness which would non been possible with more refined technique. the artist has been always free to express himself, even amid the state art of Assyria, where the true artist speaks through the drama of the wounded beast." إقرا المزيد

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